((( Pittsburgh )))
Our Town
I think it's a great
Place to live
And here are the reasons
I have to give:
"Three Rivers Arts"
"The Car Shows Elite"
"The History Museum"
And "The Gateway Fleet"
"The Rivers Casino"
"Station Square"
"The Console Energy"
And the "Science Fair"
"Phipps Conservatory"
"The Pittsburgh Zoo"
"The National Aviary"
And "Regatta" too
"The Benedum & Heinz"
And "PNC Park"
And many more features
Way after dark
Like the "Firework Displays"
And "The Incline" too
And the "Mt. Washington Overlook"
To name a few
Yes I do think
It's a wonderful town
And which stands the reason
We stick around
Thank You
Billie Nardozzi
(412) 921-3694