"Wisdom In Words"
Billie Nardozzi
1.Seek out the good in people, not the bad
2.Standing in front of your mirror, is someone who needs you
3.Do not wait for happiness .......create it
4.You can't achieve the big things, if your mind is on the little things
5.Holding your temper, is far more better than holding a grudge
6.Admitting fault in yourself, is the 1st sign of progress
7.To give up on a dream...is to stop living
8.It's never too late to say you're sorry
9.Patience is a virtue, and so is kindness
10.Dare to be different
11.Always better to be a person of "character", than a person of "caricature"
12.When someone knows they've succeeded in making you mad .......................they've won the game
13.It is in living that we exist, and it is in hating that we expire
14.When you desire to experience the bitter...you eventually acquire the taste.
15.You can't change the "past", so live in the "present", and plan for the "future"
Billie Nardozzi
61 School St.
Green Tree, PA 15220
(412) 921-3694
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