Godzilla Meets The Lesbian
It was a knock-down-drag-out-fight
But a very fair one at that
For both had stuck to the rules
No knives, no guns, no bat
Well the lesbian had come out swinging
And threw a hard left hook to the jaw
Godzilla was dazed for a moment
But came back with a swipe of his paw
A speck of blood trickled down from the lesbian
But she just chuckled and laughed it off
Well Godzilla got quite offended
But then violently started to cough
The lesbian seized the moment
And just body rushed him right to the ground
And then proceeded to put him in a headlock
And then for a moment there wasn't a sound
So she got up and threw up her hands
And claimed victory and walked away
But then the hairy creature somehow awoke
And shouted out... "I'll be back some day!!!
Billie Nardozzi
(412) 921-3694
{ All Calls Are Welcomed }