FREYVOGEL AND KOUBEK TO WED Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.M. Freyvogel, Jr. are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Susanna McGraw, to Carl George Koubek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Randall Koubek. Susanna is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Francis Donahue of Pittsburgh and Naples, Florida and the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.M. Freyvogel of Pittsburgh. Carl is the grandson of Mrs. Katherine Koubek of Venice, Florida and the late Mr. George J. Koubek and the late Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Morahan. Susanna is a graduate of Oakland Catholic High School and earned a BA and M.Ed. at Boston College. She is currently employed as an Elementary Special Education Teacher in Boston, MA. The future groom is a graduate of Jesuit High School in Tampa, FL and earned his BS in Finance from Boston College. He is employed at Forrester Research in Boston, MA. The couple plans to be married in Pittsburgh in October, 2013.