A Couple Ditty's ((( by Billie Nardozzi ))) 1.Always remember; When you believe in something with all of your heart, There's always a chance. 2."Trying" is the greatest thing you could ever do. "Not" trying; is the worst thing you could ever do. 3.Never stop being nice, for if you do; you'll become bitter, and lose the preciousness of life. 4.Do not let the negative comments of others, or their disliking of you, effect you in any way. For I do believe, that as long as you keep the pureness and goodness in your heart, You will never fall. 5.Sometimes the smallest things .......mean the biggest. 6.Don't ever be afraid to say you're sorry. 7.Sometimes in life you get the joker. Sometimes in life you get the ace. But if you know how to play the game, Then you can never really lose the hand. 8.Don't waste time pouting over the things you "can't" do. But use that energy, to go out and do the things you "can" do!!! ((( All Calls Are Welcomed ))) (412) 921-3694