"The Turkey Bandit"
He'll knock on your door
Dressed very handsome
Then confiscate your turkey
And hold it for ransom
The return of your turkey
Is one thousand cash
And if you don't pay up
He'll just make a dash
To the next door neighbor
Who's baking some pies
And a thousand more dollars
Is what he'll surmise
And if they don't pay up
He'll head down the street
Where he'll smell the aroma
Of yams so sweet
He'll demand the money
Then run off again
To the home of one Mister
Jonathan Crenn
Who don't take no crud
From no kind of man
Especially if
They got a dirty plan
To get to the point
Crenn throws a right
And knocks that bandit
Clean out of sight!!!
"Happy Thanksgiving"
Billie Nardozzi
(412) 921-3694
{ All Calls Are Welcomed }