He was the head of the Holy Family
who willfully accepted the baby Jesus' birth.
His treatment of Mary and the Christ Jesus
had set an example for all men on earth.
When Mary asked Joseph to be a father to Jesus,
Joseph said, "What could He possibly learn from me?"
Mary said, "Since you have accepted Him as your Son,
you can teach Him your greatest trait, your humility."
Joseph's leadership qualities were prevalent
on his and Mary's journey to Bethlehem.
And his subsequent flight to Egypt to save Jesus;
the eventual Savior to all men.
Joseph was a building contractor and a carpenter by trade.
He taught Jesus to use his hands as well as his mind.
While Joseph was teaching Jesus about humility,
Jesus was preparing to be the Savior of mankind.
Most depictions of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus have Joseph
off to the side. That's where he wanted to be.
After all, the center of attention were Mary and Jesus,
but Joseph was very proud of his family.
So, this Christmas when you pray to Mary
and celebrate the birth of Christ, her son,
say a few prayers to St. Joseph, Jesus' father on earth.
I'm sure he warrants that attention.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Ed & Janet Folino