Happy 95th Birthday!
On April 4th
Of Turtle Creek, PA
Lovely to Look at;
Wonderful to Know;
Very easy to Love.
That's our Mum, Gram and Glum all in one
Who we love very, very much!
Son, William Santacasa (deceased), his daughter,
Gerri Lynn (Jim) Clair and children, Kayla and Jimmy. Daughter, Lori Jean Santacasa.
Daughter, Beverly Santacasa (Rich) Smith and
child, Lisa Lee (Kurt) Flodine and sons, Kyle Hunter, Shane Taylor, Tanner KenRic and Cameron Lee. Child, Ricky (Emily Keough) Smith and children, Noah Richard, Elizabeth Catherine, Emma Margaret and Alec Joseph. Also many nieces and nephews, especially Sandra (Tom & Karianne) Yates in SC, Doreen Lawson and family of CA and
Doug Cherry of Turtle Creek.
Enjoy your birthday.
You're one in a million and we're glad you're ours!