Ghost Of
Xmas Past
Losing a dear friend or loved one
Is so very hard to take
And the tears that fall from your eyes
Are enough to fill up a lake
And so I say this to anyone out there
And who may have had an experience of this
Please do everything in your power
To show all the love and the bliss
Yes all of the feeling that you have
For that one and very dear person
Yes hug them and tell them you love them
And do nothing that would lead to cursin
For we never know where or when
Or how long they may be here
And then the next thing you know they're gone
And oh my; here comes the tear
Billie Nardozzi
61 School St
Green Tree, PA.15220
(412) 921-3694
P.S. Xmas Cards welcomed
Ghost Of
Xmas Present
Ghost Of
Xmas Future
I'd like to take this time
To wish all a Merry Christmas
And please know that my holiday greeting
Is sure filled with all the blissness
And filled with all the joy
That you all have given me
In these past ten years of poetry
That I have written from A to Z
I will never forget your kindness
And all the letters and calls from you
And I will never in a million years
Forget my Pittsburgh too
Merry Christmas Everyone
Billie Nardozzi
61 School St.
Green Tree, PA.15220
(412) 921-3694
P.S. Xmas Cards welcomed
He will arrive in a spirited way
Bearing gifts for all to
And satisfying the young and old
Will be his greatest
He will be sporting a
moustache and beard
And some faded gray hair from age
And a very big smile on his face
To begin the brand new rage
Billie Nardozzi
61 School St.
Green Tree, PA.15220
(412) 921-3694
P.S. Xmas Cards welcomed