My Grade School Years
That's my 4th grade picture
From St. Francis De Sales
And I was taught by a nun
Who had me walking on shells
Although she was pretty
She was strict as could be
And always just seemed
To be scolding me
So one day she spanked me
Across her knee
And the "rains came down"
Like the Serbian Sea
Sufficed to say
She never spanked me again
She just summoned the Pastor
To deal with me then
But all in all
I really loved that school
But most of the time
I acted a fool
Billie Nardozzi
61 School St.
Green Tree, PA.15220
(412) 921-3694
P.S. ( Cards & Letters Welcomed )
The Proposal
Full Circle
Will you love me forever
And will your love be strong
And no matter what's said
Will you love me all along
And will you stand by me
When some try to hurt me
And will you swear up and down
That you'll never desert me
And when we procede
To enrapture the night
Will you cuddle and hold me
With all of your might
And say the true words
That true lovers say
"That you never will leave me,
or never will stray"
Billie Nardozzi
61 School St.
Green Tree, PA.15220
(412) 921-3694
P.S. ( Cards & Letters Welcomed )
Yes we have reached the crossroads
And all has been said and done
And we both know that now and forever
We will never again be as one
But at this crossroads that we've reached
I will say from a heart that's true
Never did I regret one moment
Or one hour or day with you
For you were kind and thoughtful and caring
And never had a bad word to say
And in the days of my discontent
You were always there to make it okay
And so I thank you for those wonderful years
And I thank you for the wonderful you
And may you always find joy and happiness
In every single thing that you do
Billie Nardozzi
61 School St.
Green Tree, PA.15220
(412) 921-3694
P.S. ( Cards & Letters Welcomed )
I Am
What I Am
What I Am
No Shame in the clothes I wear
No Shame in the way they stare
No Shame in the way I walk
No Shame in the way I talk
No Shame in my gumball rings
No Shame in my shameless blings
No Shame in me being happy
No Shame if some think it's sappy
No Shame in the face you see
No Shame in your opinion of me
"No Shame"
Billie Nardozzi
61 School St.
Green Tree, PA.15220
(412) 921-3694
P.S. "A well respected" ...fond hello...
To the Allegheny County Police
( Pittsburgh International Airport )