Sept. 11th, 2001
It is surely a day
That we'll always remember
Yes that morning of the 11th
Day of September
When our nation had stopped
Right dead in its tracks
Because of those terrible
Taliban attacks
But it would sure prove a day
That our U.S.of A.
Would not stand by
And let them get away
For we would battle our forces
And keep our heads high
But like any human being
We would let out a cry
But we'd let it be known
To all in the world
That we would not let our name
Be torn or unfurled
But we'd stand and defend it
And shout it out loud
Because we were Americans
Born, bred, and proud
And so to all I do ask
On this unforgettable day
Let us all join in spirit
And kneel down and pray:
"That in the name of our country"
"This again will not happen"
"And in the name of our Anthem"
"Let our feet keep a tappin"
Billie Nardozzi
(412) 921-3694
((( All Calls Are Welcomed )))
P.S.......And God Bless America