Bee Gees Meet Brady
Well hello there
Mr. Quarterback
We've just
"Gotta Get A Message To You"
You see we've heard you deflated those balls
And you've
"Started A Joke"
it's true
But it wasn't no joke or
"Jive Talkin"
In fact it was a
what you had done
And now we're thinking
that your
"Lonely Days"
May be spent under a cold, cold sun
And beg pardon if we sound a bit cheeky
But it sure seems like you've tarnished your name
And now surely you must be thinking to yourself
How do I
"Mend A Broken Heart"
the same?
Well our advice would be
to stay in
And maybe find another job that's retrievable
Because the mere fact that you lied about deflating
Has made your
a bit less believable
And it's a shame because you should be celebrating
"You Should Be Dancing"
and parading about
But instead it's like a
New York Mining Disaster
In which you may never, ever find a way out
Billie Nardozzi
(412) 921-3694
{All Un Deflated
Calls Welcomed}